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Broadcast Channels Are A Hidden Gem on Facebook and Instagram

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on January 27, 2025.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

For the longest time, I was reluctant to start a Broadcast Channel on Facebook and Instagram. My notifications were already blowing up from too many accounts starting broadcast channels, and I, quite honestly, just found it all very annoying that I ignored it completely.

It wasn't until seeing a post from a blogger in a private Facebook group I'm in hailing the success of broadcast channels (on Facebook, specifically) that my interest was piqued, and I decided to give it a go.

So in this one, we thought we'd share a few misconceptions about what Broadcast Channels are, and why you may want to consider starting one.

Note: I primarily use Broadcast Channels on my Facebook page; however, they also exist on Instagram. This article primarily focuses on my Facebook experience even if the ideas are similar on both.

Niche Product Sites Case Study #7 – Algorithm Chaos

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on January 21, 2025.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Welcome to the seventh entry into our niche product site case study series.

In this case study, we are tracking the performance of niche product sites I created between 2020 and 2022, sharing what is working, what is not, income and traffic changes, and lessons learned along the way.

The first site we will look at is The Grape Pursuit, a wine blog I started in early 2020. The second site is Hipster Homesteaders, a home & garden plus food & beverage blog we started in late 2021 (where we merged two lagging product sites, a coffee blog and sous vide blog, into a broader umbrella branding to allow for more content to be produced with other topics).

Before jumping into this, I should note that my original intent for this series was to provide an update every six months. But with all that happened in 2024, I forgot to publish updates. So this one will cover everything that happened between September 2023 and January 2025. For those who know all that has gone on in blogging over this time, you'll understand when I say the theme is simply this- chaos.

3 Predictions for Blogging in 2025 – Preparing for the Year

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on January 13, 2025.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

The start of a new year is always a time to look forward, and when it comes to blogging in 2025, there are a lot of things to be aware of.

So in this one, we thought we'd pull out our crystal ball and look at some of the biggest things that are likely to come this year, predict what will happen, and share a bit about what we are doing to prepare!

Black Friday Blogging Deals in 2024 – A Wealth of Savings

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on November 25, 2024.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

The weekend of Black Friday through Cyber Monday is one of our favorite times of the year to be a blogger.

First, many bloggers (especially those with US-based audiences) are expected to see a surge in digital advertising spending over the course of the weekend. Second, and more importantly for this article, there are a ton of deals available for bloggers who wish to upgrade their sites!

We've scoured the internet to find some of the best deals bloggers may be interested in and have put together this great guide to Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for bloggers in 2024.

Please note: We will be frequently updating this guide over the course of the holiday weekend to capture new deals as they go live. As such, check back regularly as new deals may be added. We did our best to find all applicable terms and conditions when finding these deals, but note that a few were lacking in definitive end dates and all discount terms should be reviewed prior to purchase. Likewise, keep in mind that in many cases Black Friday deals are often for new subscribers in the first sale only. Those that require annual renewals may revert back to the original rate and that is worth confirming prior to your subscription end date.

Mediavine Journey vs Monumetric – Which is Better?

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on November 29, 2024.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

As our new websites grow, we take the opportunity to try out different ad networks to see how they perform over time on the same sites.

In the past we've tested Adsense vs Monumetric and found that Monumetric was, to no one's surprise, a clear winner. Premium ad networks are just that much better than the basics, after all.

But after my wine blog qualified for Mediavine Journey, we thought we'd repeat the analysis comparing what is, in all honesty, two very similar companies- with rather similar earnings and some negatives of each worth keeping in mind.

Note: I tested Monumetric on my wine blog in 2022 and Mediavine Journey on my site in 2024. Due to the significant volatility in the market in recent years, it is hard to compare earnings/RPMs over time. While I can make the argument that RPMs tend to be down a fair bit now versus back then, it really is hard to make too strong of conclusions in this one.

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