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WordPress Blogging Tips and Tricks – Interview with Chris Richardson

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on July 4, 2022.

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For the travel bloggers in our audience, you likely know Chris Richardson quite well. Not only has Chris been an active member of the travel community, he has offered some pretty great WordPress services to bloggers all over the world with his company, RTW Labs (including migrating Jeremy's travel blog from Blogger to WordPress back in the day).

Since then, Chris has revamped his company to be called Assistant and offers all of the services we know and love (and then some) under the new branding.

We recently caught up with Chris to talk about all things blogging, his work at Assistant, and more in this great interview!

Where To Spend Your First $1,000 When You Start a Blog

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on June 13, 2022.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

If you are a new blogger looking to jump into professional blogging, you may be daunted by the number of ideas there are within the industry when it comes to how to start a blog.  There is far more to blogging than just taking pictures and writing stories, and most of the unknowns are the behind-the-scenes work and, more importantly, expenses you may never have considered.

So in this one, we wanted to take a look at some of the first expenses future professional bloggers can expect when starting a blog. To keep this fictitious spending in check, we gave ourselves a $1,000 limit and tried to allocate it to the best items new bloggers should look at. Whether you spend this over the course of just a few months or over a year or more, the following is what we think is the best use of the first thousand dollars you invest in your site, other than what is needed to create content (of course).

Please note- this list is not an end-all list of what you must buy when launching a blog. This is just our reflection on what we'd do if we started over again today with the knowledge we have gained after writing on our blogs for over a decade.  You could easily throw all $1,000 into any one category featured below (in fact, we have in all of them), but if you want a decent split of everything we'd start with the following.

Pros and Cons of Audio Typing – Increase Your Motivation to Write

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on July 21, 2022.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

For the longest time, I resisted podcasting as a medium for my blogs. Part of this was because I was simply far too busy running five sites and part of this was also because I just didn't care about that marketing outlet in the slightest.

Chris finally got the better of me and convinced me to order a podcasting microphone for my desktop setup.

The intention for this was to have a short podcast for This Week in Blogging which is going to (hopefully) be coming out soon. But I wanted to see how a podcasting microphone to help me with my writing productivity at large as there are other ways to utilize a microphone for blogging.

One way I thought of to help manage my productivity was to use audio typing software to help write notes for my articles when I am too tired, lazy, or distracted to put that digital pen to paper via traditional writing.

Well, I found that there are many benefits to using speech-to-text software but also some limitations to keep in mind. So I thought I would talk about those today.

3 Lessons Learned in Tracking Blogging Income for 400 Weeks

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on July 21, 2022.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

If you ever have the misfortune luck to ever meet me at a conference, you will quickly find out that I am a data nerd. I love analytics, the technical side of blogging is my favorite part, and yes, I even enjoy SEO (something virtually no one anywhere ever says).

So it should be no surprise that when it comes to tracking blogging income, I have a spreadsheet for that and I update it every single week.

As it turns out, I recently passed my 400th week of tracking my blogging income (which for those who don't want to do the math is nearly eight years), and I thought it was time to share some insights I've learned along the way.

Some of these insights are helpful to bloggers outright, and others are reasons why you, too, should track your income at a set interval (if not weekly, at least monthly). So let's dive into them now!

Niche Product Site Case Study #3 – Finally Seeing Growth

Published by Jeremy. Last Updated on April 16, 2022.

Disclaimer: This Week in Blogging uses demographic data, email opt-ins, and affiliate links to operate this site. Please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Welcome to the third entry into our niche product site case study series.

In this case study, we are tracking the performance of niche product sites that I created between 2020 and 2022, what is working, what is not, income and traffic changes, and lessons learned along the way.

The first site we will look at is The Grape Pursuit, a wine blog I started in early 2020. The second site is Hipster Homesteaders, a home & garden plus food & beverage blog we started in late 2021 (where we merged two lagging product sites, a coffee blog and a sous vide blog, into a broader umbrella branding to allow for more content to be produced with other topics).

So, how are they performing? Let's check it out!